Oxfam’s work in West Africa and two central African countries (Chad and CAR) over the last four (4)years and in align with the organization wide vision 2020 agenda was delivered through a Regional strategy (ORS) and Regional Operational Model (ROM) 2015 – 2019 with a vision of ‘a region free from chronic vulnerabilities and inequalities, where each citizen enjoys her/his rights for assistance in crisis situation and where sovereign resources drawn from extractive industries, a fair taxation system and inclusive farming development are sufficient and fairly redistributed, bringing an end to extreme inequalities, vulnerability and poverty’.
The strategy had three main strands of work including; Food Justice, Equality and Dignity. These three programs were supported by several elements including the promotion of gender and Women’s rights, working with young people, resilience and climate change, influencing and advocacy, communication business development, Quality programming to drive and measure impact.
The strategy implementation process was operationally informed by a regional operating model managed by a regional platform with a team of approximately twenty (25) people with the mandate to:
• Provide strategic leadership, management and accountability
• Achieve regional impact through regional programming
• Connect learning and capacity building processes across the region and
• Provide cost-effective capacity building to countries
The strategy technically ended in 2019. However, to ensure that the next strategy draws insights from the global strategy process it was extended for another year till end of 2020
We do recognize that the context of West Africa is rapidly changing within a dynamic, fast paced and somewhat turbulent world.
As a result, the development of the next regional strategic framework will require an updated context analysis that provides insight and analysis into the trends, challenges and opportunities within West Africa and how we can position ourselves to deliver change.
It is precisely because of this, that an updated context analysis and its implications is imperative for us as a region
We want to contribute to systematic and long-term transformative change in West Africa. For that to happen we will require a systematic analysis of the political, demographic, economic, social, gender technological, environmental, legal and security context. This will help us understand how power and resources are distributed and managed and its implications for development within the region
The findings, conclusions and final product will assist us to develop clear theories of change and what will be our value proposition as an organisation within West Africa
The analysis will broadly aim at providing a macro-level trend analysis of the wider development and humanitarian sector in the region with focus attentions to understand the political, demographic, economy, social, gender, technological, legal, environmental, security and the specific links of each to widening inequality gaps that perpetuate the injustice of poverty in West Africa region. It will also include understanding who are the key stakeholders, the power and influence dynamics, as well as partnership relationships.
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