The Federal Republic of Nigeria has received financing in the amount of United State Dollar USD 32.48 million equivalent from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the Jigawa State Integrated Rural Development project, and it intends to apply part of the proceed for payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Federal Republic of Nigeria. The project will include the following components:
Component 1: Irrigation Development Support ($14.31 million)
The activities to be funded include: (i) physical construction that comprises reconstruction (3.180ha) and extension of irrigation works (600ha) and (ii) institutional support for a more efficient and sustainable operation and maintenance of the infrastructure (support to water users association, 14 boreholes will be rehabilitated and 10 new boreholes will be built). The project will provide investment in the infrastructure and equipment for participative small-scale irrigation sub project emanating especially for women groups. Land in all identified irrigation schemes within the project zone belong to the Government. A land leasing arrangement is therefore proposed after reconstruction works and land development works are completed.
Component 2: Productivity Improvement and Value Chain Development Support ($5.85 million).
The activities to be funded include- (a) investments in infrastructure construction of 15 No Agricultural product markets, construction of access roads (100 km), storage/conservation infrastructure (54 storage infrastructure), construction of infrastructure for livestock activities (grazing reserves and 15 windmill watering points) and for smallholder-fisheries production (200 units); and (b) cost of advisory services- providing field extension services that are responsive to the production, processing and marketing needs of project’s beneficiaries.
Component 3; Micro-Enterprise Development Support Facility ($2.18 million).
The project will finance the rehabilitation of 27 skill acquisition centers and 4 Agricultural skill acquisition centres and will provide support to the training program implementation
Component 4: Micro-Finance Support Facility ($8.I7 million)
The project will finance: (a) agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and small agricultural equipment) supply to farmers through the Jigawa State Agricultural Supply Company (b) revolving micro-finance facility to support diversified income-generating Sub projects, and (c) technical assistance to participating Micro finance institutions. Women will constitute a minimum of 50% of borrowers and at least 75% of the Micro finance portfolio shall be in agricultural, agribusiness. livestock, fisheries sector etc.
Component 5: Capacity building ($0.8 million)
The project will transfer financial resources for the following activities: (i) to support and develop inclusive, self-reliant, self-managed and sustainable community development associations (ii) technical assistance, training and other institution-building support to line departments and local governments to be more responsive to the needs of the poor and to build a culture of transparency and accountability in the delivery of public services. The technical assistance will finance Consultant for Islamic Micro finance Programme design, development, staff training and launching in favour of MFBs. This covers (a) Drafting Standard financing contract with end users to be compatible with Sharia and application of Islamic Micro finance Services, including Zikat, Waqf based poverty reduction services (b) Preparation of Specific manual of procedure that adapts Islamic financing requirements (c) Upgrading Management Information and Accounting systems to comply with Islamic Micro finance products and Micro finance Strategic and operational Planning.
Component 6; Consultancy services ($1.59 million)
The project will recruit consulting firms to undertake the following consultancy service.
(i) The Detailed Engineering Design and Supervision of works under Istisna’a and loan financing, (ii) the monitoring and evaluation design and implementation, (iii) the midterm evaluation and (iv) the environmental monitoring.
Component 7: Project Management ($1.09 million)
This component will finance operating costs (excluding salaries) of project administration and coordination and other recurrent costs for the project implementation coordination function.
The Project Components will be procured in accordance with IsDB Procurement guidelines as follows: –
1.0 Civil Works
(i) The Surface Irrigation Reconstruction under the Project will be Procured through National Competitive Bidding NCR (3 lots)
(ii) The Feeder Roads under the Project will be procured through National Competitive Bidding NCB
(iii) The Construction of New Irrigation Schemes under the Project will be Procured through National Competitive Bidding NCB (3 Lots)
(iv) The Rehabilitation and Construction of new boreholes under the Project will be procured through National
Competitive Bidding NCB
(v) The Procurement of Skill Acquisition Centres under the Project will be procured under National Competitive Bidding NCB.
(vi) The Procurement of Markets, Storage facilities and Watering points will be procured through National Competitive Bidding NCB
2.0 Goods
(i) The Procurement of PCO Equipment and Furniture under the Project will he Procured under National Shopping NS
(ii) The Procurement of Pumps and Shallow tube wells under the Project will be procured under National Competitive Bidding NCB
(iii) The Procurement of Agrochemicals and Agricultural equipment under the Protect will be procured through National
Competitive Bidding NCB
(iv) The Procurement of Small holder Aquaculture Equipment and Demonstration Equipment under the Project will be procured through National Competitive Bidding NCB.
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