1. The Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) is a sub-regional organization created by the Fort-Lamy Convention on 22 May 1964 by the four riparian countries of Lake Chad (Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad). The Central African Republic became member in 1994 and Libya in 2007. Sudan became an observer member country in 2000 pending its ratification of the Convention establishing the LCBC. The Republic of Congo, the DR Congo and Egypt are also observer member countries. The head office of LCBC is N’Djamena, Republic of Chad. The conventional basin covers an area of more than one million km2.
2. The LCBC received grants in various currencies of its member states to fund the In-depth Studies on the Improvement of the Hydraulic Capacity of the Chari and Logone Rivers, thus, leading to the lunch of this call for tenders.
3. The LCBC represented by its Executive Secretary hereby calls on prospective bidders who fulfill the related requirements to submit their bids in a sealed envelope for the conduct of these studies.
4. The call for tenders shall be subject to international contract award procedures available in the World Bank Guideline, procurement of goods and services, is open to all bidders coming from eligible countries as defined in the documents of the call for tenders.
5. The study area is located in Chad and Cameroon in the Conventional Basin of Lake Chad and mainly focuses on the Chari and Logone rivers and their Floodplains until the River Mouth of the River where it empties into the Lake Chad.
6. The In-depth Studies of the improvement of the Hydraulic Capacity of the Chari and Logone Rivers composed of a single lot with three (3) distinct steps.
Step 1: Conduct of preliminary studies
Countries: Chad and Cameroon
Study Area: River bed of Chari and Logone (downstream of Sarh for the Chari River and Lai for the Logone River up to Mouth of the Lake Chad).
• Conceptual study of the interface of the Chari and Longone Rivers with the floodplains;
• Study of the ecological functions of flood plains;
• Analysis of the impacts of additional flows on the Chari and Logone Rivers and the Lake Chad;
• Analysis of the impacts of erosion on the banks, silting up, sedimentation and invasive plants on the flows;
• Conceptualization of possible solutions and preparation of the TOR of the Detailed Engineering Design;
• Workshops to validate the results of the studies;
• Corrections and submission of final reports.
Step 2: Conduct of preliminary studies and Detailed Engineering Design
Countries: Chad and Cameroon
Study Area: River bed of Chari and Logone (downstream of Sarh for the Chari River and Lai for the Logone River up to Mouth of the Lake Chad).
• Data collection;
• Analysis of the impacts of hydraulic changes;
• Hydraulic capacity improvement solutions;
• Impacts mitigation measures;
• Development of the Summary Preliminary Project (SPP)
• In-depth Environmental and Social Impact Study;
• Development of the Detail Engineering Design (DPD);
• Development of the Tender Documents (TD);
• Workshops to validate the results of the studies;
• Corrections and submission of final reports.
Step 3: Conduct of In-depth studies of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Countries: Chad and Cameroon
Study Area: River bed of Chari and Logone (downstream of Sarh for the Chari River and Lai for the Logone River up to Mouth of the Lake Chad).
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