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The Family Homes Funds Limited (FHFL) is a social housing initiative promoted by the Federal Government of Nigeria as part of its Social Intervention Programme. The Company is a Limited Liability Company with initial shareholding by the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority. Over the next 4 years, the company aims to invest up to N1.3trn in promoting the development of 500,000 homes for people on low income. In the process, the Company also aims to create up to 1,500,000 jobs.

FHFL seeks to offer an all-round service to beneficiaries of its homes, including facility management service on the estates, post-development.

Hence, the HR and Admin Unit on behalf of FHFL, is seeking the services of qualified Facility Management Services providers for its housing project in Chikun, Kaduna.

The bids should be submitted in accordance with the specifications, terms, and conditions shown in this Request for Proposals (RfP). This RfP is being released to identify an experienced Facility Manager to carry out the services as detailed in this document. Prospective respondents are advised to read this information carefully prior to submitting a proposal.

For the purpose of this RfP, the FHFL estates are in four different locations being: Delta, Kaduna, Kano, and Ogun. The services required shall be rendered in these locations. Bidders are to indicate location(s) of interest in their proposals. A bidder may bid for one or more locations but shall not be assigned more than one location for the provision of services, if selected.
Details of each estate location are provided below:

The estate comprises of 650 units of one-bedroom terrace bungalows, two-bedroom semidetached bungalows and three-bedroom semi-detached bungalows with the following ancillary infrastructure:
• Transformers
• Electric poles
• Borehole facilities
• Underground water storage tanks
• Overhead water storage tanks
• Playgrounds
• Road network
• Gatehouse/Security
• Perimeter fencing
• Streetlights

The estate comprises of 604 units of one-bedroom terrace bungalows, two-bedroom terrace bungalows three-bedroom terrace duplexes, and three-bedroom semi-detached bungalows with the following ancillary infrastructure:
• Transformers
• Electric poles
• Borehole facilities
• Overhead water storage tanks
• Playgrounds
• Road network
• Gatehouse/Security
• Perimeter fencing
• Streetlights

The estate comprises of 757 units of two-bedroom flats, three-bedroom flats, and three-bedroom fully detached bungalows with the following ancillary infrastructure:
• Transformers
• Electric poles
• Borehole facilities
• Overhead water storage tanks
• Playgrounds
• Road network
• Gatehouse/Security
• Perimeter fencing
• Central Sewage System
• Streetlights

The estate comprises of 1020 units of studio flats, one-bedroom flats, two-bedroom flats and three-bedroom fully-detached bungalows with the following ancillary infrastructure:
• Transformers
• Electric poles
• Borehole facilities
• Overhead water storage tanks
• Playgrounds
• Road network
• Gatehouse/Security
• Perimeter fencing
• Streetlights

The company which is selected to perform the work will have to carry out the following functions:
(1.1) Control and management of environmental and safety issues relating to the Facility;
(1.2) Inspection and testing of fire safety equipment and systems, and keeping of required records and certificates of compliance;
(1.3) Regular and routine inspection of the Facility; identification and rectification of defects in the Facility;
(1.4) Maintenance of electrical, mechanical and civil infrastructure
(1.5) Fire protection systems maintenance;
(1.6) Occupant relations and interface management including; handling and addressing all complaints associated with the use of the Facility;
(1.7) Carrying preventive, remedial and/or upgrade works, repairs and/or replacements required for the upkeep and improvement of buildings and their components;
(1.8) Landscaping, vermin extermination and waste disposal;
(1.9) Domestic water plant operation and maintenance;
(1.10) General cleaning services refuse disposal management;
(1.11) Security monitoring systems;
(1.12) Fumigation and gardening services management
(1.13) Any other service as FHFL may specify whether in general or in reference to a specific part of the Facility.
(1.14) Constitution, training and management of a Tenants/Residents Association within three (3) years to take over and effectively manage the affairs of the estate.
*Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

• Extensive experience and a proven track record in the facility management business
• Reliable coverage services
• Sound experience in similar projects
• Ability to provide 24-hours facility management services
• Real time administrative support systems
• Ability to respond immediately to emergency situations, whilst maintaining high quality standards of service delivery
• Presentation of full company profile and documentation

Prospective Consultants are required to submit their proposals in the following format:
(A) Approach and Strategy: Kindly provide a brief statement on the following.
• An understanding of the role as detailed in this RfP;
• Detailed workplan for execution of the tasks. Workplan shall include indicative dates of completion;
• A statement on your present capabilities as well as your plans in this regard.
• Information on your association with any other organization in the same business line in Nigeria.
• Would you envisage that any portion of this contract would be sub-contracted? What portion and why? Kindly let us know.
(B) Corporate Profile: This should include the following information:
• Corporate profile document of the firm.
• Details of the personnel of the firm.
• Incorporation documents.
• Compliance certificates.
• Any other relevant and statutory documents.
(C) Similar experience in past projects and their coverage area
Consultant shall demonstrate ability to render the required services by providing evidence of similar projects successfully executed, including references and recommendation letters:
• A listing of your top 3 clients in the last 3 years
• A statement of relevant experiences to the type of contractual arrangement the Fund is seeking.
(D) Transition Plan
The proposal shall include bidder’s plan for the orderly assumption of responsibility for execution of the proposed facility services for the property.
This plan should address:
• Transition tasks to be pre-formed.
• Transition responsibilities (both bidder’s and the site)
• Timeline for all transition activities
• In addition, the plan should respond to the following:
• Please describe how your firm intends to handle the transition, including details on timing, work steps, staffing issues, and critical path.
• Provide a detailed transition plan, approach, work steps, staffing, timing, inventory analysis, understanding of condition, and understanding of service requirements for the mechanical & electrical systems.
(E) Execution Plan
The proposal must include a detailed description of your firm’s plan to execute the services that are the subject of this RFP. This execution plan should explain how your firm intends to execute the particular services. The plan should identify those services that will be performed by an on-site staff that your firm would employ and those that would be performed by subcontractors to your firm, if any. Your firms intended on-site staff shall be fully detailed in a staffing plan or organization chart and supported with management resumes that follow the requirements listed in job descriptions.

The staffing plan shall identify all positions and number of personnel and shall include the following:
• Number of titles or functional descriptions of each position;
• An internal organization chart indicating the individuals and reporting structure your firm proposes to implement this assignment;
• Provide a complete description of the proposed organization that will be on-site and offsite in support of this service. Include all job titles, job descriptions and how they will interface with each other.

(F) Financials/Consultancy Fees
A schedule of proposed fees with indicative payment terms.
The following guidelines are provided for standardizing the preparation and submission of proposals. The intent is to assist respondents in the preparation of their submission and to assist FHFL by simplifying the review process providing standards for comparison of submissions. Statements submitted in response to this RfP shall include a complete response to the requirements in this section in the order presented.
Proposals shall be printed double-sided, submitted on standard A4 paper, with easy-to-read font size and style. Pages shall be numbered and bound (spiral/ three-ring binder). Tabbed dividers should separate and identify the response items described below.

Proposals shall contain the following information in the order listed:

(1) Introductory Letter
The introductory letter should be addressed to:
The Managing Director,
Family Homes Funds Limited,
3rd Floor Sinoki House,
Ademulegun Street,
CBD- Abuja.

The letter should include contact name, mailing address and telephone number of the Consultant. The cover letter shall include a statement acknowledging the conditions stated in the RfP, referencing any exceptions contained in the response, and be signed by the Consultant.

(2) The Proposal
The proposal shall include:
(a) Company Profile
(b) Approach and strategy
(c) Experience in past projects
(d) Financial (Consultancy Fee)

(3) Conflict of Interest Statement
Submit a statement regarding any activities or relationships of the responder that might create a conflict of interest for the responder or FHFL, and, if such activities or relationships exist, a description of the facts, legal implications, and possible effects sufficient to permit FHFL to appreciate the significance of the conflict and react as appropriate.

(4) Exceptions
Note any exceptions to the RfP requirements in their entirety.

(5) Supportive Information
This section may include graphs, charts photos, maps, references, etc., in support of the respondent’s qualifications and competence.

(1) Project Selection Process
In order to be considered, a proposal consistent with the terms of this RfP must be submitted. The responses to this RfP shall be reviewed by a nominated committee for completeness and evaluated against the stated criteria. The committee will then select and recommend the most competent Consultant to oversee the various construction projects around the states.
The selected Consultant will be invited to a kick-off meeting with the main objective of reviewing the work plan and expectations.

(2) Evaluation of Proposals
Applications will be evaluated, and the facility manager selected based on the following criteria:
Each bidder shall submit a technical proposal addressing the services required how they will meet the Centre’s requirements. The technical proposal will account for 70% of the total combined score. The proposal will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

(a) Approach and Strategy – This should demonstrate bidder’s understanding of the RfP and required services
(b) Organisational Structure – This should include details of internal structure, corporate profile and all compliance documents
(c) Similar Experience with Past Projects – To demonstrate bidder’s capacity and quality of projects/services delivered
(d) Transition Plan – This should include bidder’s detailed transition plan, approach, work steps, staffing, timing, inventory analysis, understanding of condition, and understanding of service requirements for the mechanical & electrical systems
(e) Execution Plan – The plan should identify those services that will be performed by an on-site staff and those by subcontractors, if any. Full details of on-site staff in a staffing plan or organization chart. It should also include proposed maintenance routines.

(A) Technical Proposal (70%)
(B) Financial Proposal (30%)

FHF being a Social Investment vehicle engages in the development of affordable homes at low cost. Our targeted beneficiaries include low income earners thereby necessitating the need to also ensure that facility management costs which are to be borne by the beneficiaries are affordable and within the affordability of this low-income target group. The ability to submit a competitive quote while ensuring the highest form of service delivery remains a key consideration for the Fund.

(1) Late Proposals
Proposals arriving after the specified date and time will not be considered, nor will late proposals be opened. Each respondent assumes responsibility for timely submission of its proposal.
(2) Withdrawal or Modifications of Proposals
Any proposal may be withdrawn or modified by a written request signed by the respondents and received by FHFL prior to the final time and date for the receipt of proposals. Once the deadline is past, respondents are obligated to fulfill the terms of their proposal.
(3) Proposal Acceptance and Rejection
FHFL reserves the right to accept any proposal, to reject any and all proposals, and to call for new proposals, or dispense with the proposal process.
(4) Proposal Evaluation and Award
Evaluation will be made on the basis of the weighted scoring as noted in Evaluation and Selection Criteria section. The PAM Team and the set committee shall evaluate proposals submitted by project management firms.
Facility Management firms that were not selected shall be notified in writing.
(5) Request for Information
■ Respond completely, accurately and succinctly to each of the items below:
■ Provide the legal name of the entity submitting the proposal.
■ Identify the number of years that the entity has been in existence and the number of years that the entity has been providing facility services.
■ Provide the addresses of the headquarters location of the entity and of the location, if different, that would be responsible for the day-to-day performance of the services.
■ Identify the form of your business of the entity (corporation, partnership, limited liability company etc.) If a corporation, identify the state of incorporation and whether the corporation is public or private
■ Provide a summary of clients and properties for which you or your team are currently providing services. Indicate the number of years for which your firm has provided such services to these clients/properties.
■ Of those identified in the response to the above item, provide a list of (2) references for a similar assignment. Include the name of the client, the contact person for that client site, the contact’s titles, phone number and address. Of those two identify one (1) that the site could visit to obtain insight from the client’s point of view as to the capabilities of your firm.
■ Describe your firm’s approach to the assignment.
■ Detail any of your firm’s special or unique capabilities, technology or operating procedures that would be of direct benefit to the site.
■ List any affiliates or joint venture partners your firm intends to utilize in the performance of this assignment. Describe the nature of that utilization and how your firm will coordinate and interact with that affiliate or joint venture partner
■ Provide a listing of individual and/or company accreditations, certifications and memberships pertinent to this assignment.
■ Describe the quality assurance program that your firm would utilize on this assignment. Include copies of any certifications associated with the Quality program. Please identify the administrator of the program and how long it has been in effect. Discuss your process for monitoring level of service, complaint resolution and customer (occupant) satisfaction and measures to address any shortcomings. Explain and show examples of how you qualify suppliers and staff.
■ Discuss your processes and policies regarding utilization of personnel on an overtime basis. Explain how your firm provides cover for personnel on vacation, leave of absence, or illness.

• Each bidder must submit the technical proposal as a separate document from the financial proposal. Please refer to attached Schedule of Services for guidance.
• Please note that submissions must be sealed. Submissions not sealed will be rejected at the Front Desk.
• The bidder’s name and the RFP No. must be visible on the outer package of the submissions.
• Only proposals that fully address the mandatory services listed in the bidding requirement will be evaluated.
• Due date of submission: 15/02/2021 by 12:00pm. Proposals submitted after the stated date and time will be disqualified.
• Bidders must submit one signed original, two copies, and one electronic (USB flash drive preferred) copy of the proposals to Family Homes Funds Limited.
• Only shortlisted bidders will be contacted.
• Shortlisted bidders may be invited to make presentations to the evaluation team.
• Bidders that require visits to the site prior to submission should send an email to request for directions and contact information.
• The Schedule of services is attached below. One schedule is to be used per estate.
• Site layouts are available on request.
• For further clarifications and enquiries, please send email to between 25th January 2021 and 5th February 2021. The subject of the email should read “ENQUIRY: RFP/HRADM/0020”.
• Bidders are strongly advised to refer to the RFP No in all correspondences.
Nothing herein shall obligate FHFL to award a contract to any responding application.


A SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM Provide specialist subcontractor Security Services company for provision of security monitoring services within the estate to cover the number housing units.Security Operative monthly salary @ each 12months
B Make provision for purchase of security gadgets and tools 12 months
C PIPED WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM/WATER PLANT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Allow for providing specialist subcontractor for preventive/corrective maintenance of all plumbing installations. Works to include pipes and fittings; tanks; pumps; sanitary fittings; drainage system and other accessories 12 months
E FIRE FIGHTING AND ALARM SYSTEM Allow for providing specialist subcontractor for the maintenance of all firefighting and alarm systems. Work to include bi-annual refilling of fire extinguishers, cylinder on wheels and fire hose reels 12 months
F FUMIGATION SERVICES Allow for the providing specialist subcontractor for Fumigations of the entire estate against pest and weeds, vermin and rodent extermination (Quarterly) 12 months
G CLEANING AND HOUSEKEEPING Allow for providing general cleaning of the whole estate inclusive of playground, to enhance effective operation by providing hygienic environment; work to include tendering of flowers, weeding, pruning, mowing, fertilizer application, watering of flowers. Cleaners/Gardener monthly Salary @ each 12 months
H SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Allow for collection of waste from the **** housing units weekly and carting away of same to dumpsite. Average monthly sum of ……………….. 12 months
L CLEANING/HORTICULTURAL MATERIALS Allow for purchase of cleaning, landscaping and horticultural materials for the premises to enhance hygienic environment; work to include and the like including equipment and tools required for effective operations 12 months

H CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE AND EXTERNAL WORKS Allow for carrying out Maintenance works on road network to include grading and compacting, and other maintenance works for driveway/walkway and fencing. 12 months
I ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Allow for proving preventive/corrective, maintenance of all electrical installations; work to include external lighting, panel, distribution boards, fittings, cabling, and replacement of fluorescent and incandescent bulbs, electricity maintenance on water plant operation system, etc. provision should be made for store items. 12 months
J REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Allow for the following reimbursable expenses (to be supported by invoices/receipts)Resident staff (Number, quality and CVs of proposed staff to be supplied)Onsite Facility Supervisor -per monthAssistant Facility Supervisor – per month 12 months
Local Running(for emergency case) Ditto
Total to General Summary B/F:
Add:10 % Facility Management Fees

NR. 1 PREAMBLE AND SERVICES ITEMS CONTINGENCIES: include 5% (Five percent) for emergency (unplanned) repairs and additional services to be expended as approved by Family Homes Funds Limited

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