POSTED: 2 SEP 2021
Christoffel Blinden Mission (CBM) International is an International Christian Development Organization, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. CBM provides grants sourced from private and institutional donors to local partners, who subsequently implement the grants on the basis of contracts signed with CBM detailing implementation, accounting, and reporting standards. In this set-up, CBM Country Offices (CO) perform control and monitoring procedures aimed at partner projects; control reports from implementing partners to CBM, including comparison with original source documents, project contract and cost plans; and ensure compliance with organizational and statutory requirements.
Terms of Reference for Evaluation
1. Evaluation Summary
Project Number
Disability Inclusion Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR)/ 4136-MYP
Partner Organisation
Elim Christian Vocational Training Centre (CVTC), Igede, Oju LGA
Project start and end dates; phase of project if applicable
April 2021 – March 2023
Evaluation Purpose
To identify the predisposing risk factors to disasters and the frequency of their occurrence towards developing mitigation measures and to assess the readiness of target communities to adopt mitigation strategies that will inform planning and implementation.
Evaluation Type
Baseline assessment
Commissioning organisation/contact person
CBM Country Office / Bright Ekweremadu
Evaluation Team members (if known)
To be determined
Primary Methodology
Mixed Methods, including quantitative and qualitative methods using participatory approaches**
Proposed Evaluation Start and End Dates
20th September to 20th October,2021
Anticipated Evaluation Report Release Date
October 14th, 2021
Recipient of Final Evaluation Report
CBM Country Office
2. Background of Project
Natural and man-made disasters occur everywhere around the world including Nigeria, leading to wanton destruction of lives and property, and increasing poverty and disability in affected communities. Although, a formal baseline assessment of the impact of disasters in Oju, Obi, Konshisha Local Government Area in Benue State (being the proposed project locations) has not yet been conducted by CBM or Elim Christian Vocational Training Centre, Igede (the implementing partner organization), the Benue State Contingency Plan (2019-2020) highlights that flood, conflicts, terrorism, drought and epidemics have a highest probability of occurrence and severity in Benue State. Recently (in 2020), communal clashes over perennial land dispute between Ukpete and Bonga (two border communities in Oju and Konshisha Local Government Areas, respectively of Benue State) was reported to have claimed lives and property leaving many displaced and living in fear. These crises have persisted over the years in spite of the peace and reconciliation processes that were initiated among the warring communities.
Similarly, epidemics have been reported in and around Oju and Obi Local Government Areas in recent times due to the under-resourced health system. The most recent was a report of a “strange disease” that broke out in Oye-Obi (a border village with Ekpong Ainu, Okpoma Ainu and Ogege Idelle all of Oju Local Government Area) in Orihi Council Ward of Obi Local Government Area. The epidemic was reported to have overwhelmed the Benue State government that they sought the federal government’s intervention in order to contain its spread to neighbouring communities.
Essentially, the root causes of conflicts in the proposed project communities are due to land and border disputes. Communities that experienced these conflicts were reported to have lost economic trees, food barns, farmlands, houses and household property (motorcycles, sewing machines, etc.) in addition to lives that were lost or maimed. Clearly, the cause of floods in the proposed project locations as reported is mainly climate change, and the resultant effect was devastating.
Oftentimes, poor and marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities are worst hit in times of these disasters. As with most disasters, it is also a known fact that disasters (natural or man-made) in the target locations adversely affects persons with disabilities and creates more disabilities therefore increasing the cycle of poverty. The situation in Benue State is compounded by the fact that the state does not have a database of persons with disabilities nor is there a response plan that is inclusive of persons with disabilities.
As a result, CBM and Elim Christian Vocational Training Centre (CVTC) jointly designed a project titled, Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) in Benue State to address these issues within the communities. The DiDRR in Benue State is a two-year pilot project that is funded by CBM International and implemented by Elim CVTC Igede. The project intends to reduce vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities, remove the barriers that persons with disabilities in the target communities face, and mitigate impact of disasters when they occur. These will be achieved using a disability inclusive disaster risk reduction approach in building the resilience of the project communities to respond to natural and man-made disasters. The project goals are:
Overall objective – To contribute to strengthening CBM’s existing portfolio and to make the development programmes more resilient so that external shocks can be better absorbed.
Specific objective – To improve community resilience through Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in six (6) council wards in three LGAs in Benue State.
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