Christian Aid is an international Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to marginalized and vulnerable groups to end poverty. Currently, Christian Aid is leading a consortium to deliver the “Evidence and Collaboration for Inclusive Development” (ECID) programme, which is funded by DFID under UK Aid Connect. This programme aims to demonstrate an innovative approach to building civil society effectiveness in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. It is designed to generate and use subjective and objective data from the most marginalised people to amplify their voices in decision making at all levels – from local to global – and mobilising decision-makers around this evidence. The data and approach will foster connections and collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders (Civil Society Organisations, government, private sector) to increase accountability, responsiveness and effectiveness, such that key target groups have improved access to services and participation in decision-making processes in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
In each of the three countries, Christian Aid is committed to design and test an appropriate digital data platform that will make useful and innovative contributions to the country and sectors by making available rigorous data on key marginalised populations and engaging with civil society and policymakers to utilise this evidence to effect policy and governance changes for the most marginalised.
In Nigeria, the project target groups are rural Women, adolescent boys and girls and People with Disability. It is implemented in partnership with six organisations in Anambra and Kaduna states, focusing on four priority areas of intervention: health, education, agriculture and infrastructure. The project has four strategic outcomes which include:
• Improved access to services for the focal groups,
• Increased participation in decision making processes for focal groups
• Improved effectiveness of civil society and other actors at all levels in addressing the priorities of focal groups
• More accountable and responsive power holders (duty bearers) to the priorities of focal groups
An initial assessment of the prevailing conditions in the two states where the project is being implemented have revealed that the development and delivering of policies, data management (including data collection, analysis, storage, access and interpretation for decision making that addresses the needs of the project target groups) are not at the desired standards and therefore needs to be enhanced for both availability and ease of access.
Consultancy Objectives
In view of the above background information, Christian Aid Nigeria would like to commission a consultant to provide institutional strengthening and capacity support for government institutions’ staff on both theoretical and practical statistical data collection tools, management, analysis, interpretation and decision especially that affect the project target group. The main focus will be to ascertain the functionality of any existing data system, build a functional data platform leveraging existing data management resources in the states, improve how well government data management agencies/staff grasp and internalize data collection tools, management, analysis, interpretation to make sound decision to achieve the intended objectives of the data management for policy planning, formulation and implementation 2.1 Specific Tasks The successful consultant will carry out the following tasks: i. Engage with the various government department and agencies to understand the existing data management systems in place, the different ways in which these policy actors access and use data/evidence for their development planning and identify the gaps to data management. ii. Carry out a rapid appraisal of the government staff capacity in the collection, use and storage of data with data management staff capacity needs. iii. Make recommendations on the various support options from basic to comprehensive on data management system that can be deployed for each of the state. Based on consultation with CA, design and deploy the most appropriate option for enhancing data management systems in both states that is timely, contextual, cost effective and easy to manage. iv. Design and deliver training for the staff on relevant topics as it relates to data management system, tools and analysis of technical data in relation to policy development and implementation v. Review relevant documents provided and past efforts on improving the data management in the states with respect to identifying their success factor and impediments to provide lessons that can positively contribute to the assignment
Methods or Approach
To adequately address the key objectives stated above, the consultant should adopt mixed methods combining both theoretical and practical skill and knowledge on statistical tools and application. The consultant should clearly outline their proposed methodology in response to the objectives of the assignment in their proposal.
4 Scope of work
The overall focus of this engagement is to i. Carry out an assessment of existing data management systems and practices in Kaduna and Anambra states by 31st January 2021 ii. Based on findings from the assessment proposed and developed a data management solution leveraging existing data management resources in the states by 30th March 2021, and iii. Develop and implement a capacity enhancement plan for government data management agencies and staff in Anambra and Kaduna state based on findings from the data management assessment carried out and the skill set required to manage data management solution developed in 2 above.
The training will be aimed at improving the skill and addressing any knowledge gaps within government agencies in relation to data management, analysis and interpretation in future policy development, planning and implementation related to the target vulnerable groups.
Expected Outputs
• An inception report describing detailed methodology, training timeline and work plan agreed with Christian Aid.
Terms of Reference: Data Management System
• An assessment report with detailed findings from the Data Management Assessment carried out in both states.
• A comprehensive end of project report presented in both hard and soft copy formats not later than the date stated above.
• Documented evidence of stakeholders consulted including names and contact details.
• Evidence of a deployed and functional data management system in place in Anambra and Kaduna states
Submission dates
• Draft report should be submitted by 5th April 2021.
• Christian Aid will review and provide comments by 10th April 2021.
• A revised final report should be submitted by the consultant 30th April 2021.
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