One of the outputs of the LINE Project (Output 1221) is to develop institutional self-assessment and capacity building plans for partner staff to build the capacity of our local implementing partners and ensure sustainability. It is pertinent to carry out an assessment to ascertain areas of need for each partner organization and identify areas that they might be requiring additional capacity building and development.
The implementing partners have been involved with LINE activities since implementation began, and, in order to maximize their potential skill, experience and networks, there is need to build their capacity to support the Oxfam LINE project with excellent and quality outputs for optimum impact. The assessment will provide the basis for developing any training activity that will enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.
The assessment will ensure specific approaches are adopted to address specific needs that are context-appropriate for each partner.
The LINE project will seek the services of an independent consultant to work in close collaboration with the project’s partner organizations to undertake individual capacity needs assessments.
The assessment which will be conducted by a consultant with a focus on:
· Process and procedures: Finance, internal control, logistics/procurement, asset management,
· Human Resource management and administration: recruitment of staff,
renumeration, trainings, promotion, incentives, staff benefits, etc.
· Program implementation: fundraising, proposal writing, drafting of ToRs, reporting writing, etc.
· Strategic planning
· Risk assessment and risk management
· IT capacity
· Internal communications
Objectives and Scope of the Consultancy
The overall objective of this assessment is to conduct capacity needs assessments with each partner organization to identify areas for organizational improvement to achieve sustainable results. Specific objectives may include:
· To conduct an assessment of all five LINE implementing partners- PARE, RAHAMA, WEIN, FACEPAM and ASSAPIN. The assessment will look at their internal processes and procedures to ascertain capacity and identify shortcomings.
· To work with partners in identifying better ways of performance and to make insightful, clear contributions to the
LINE Project.
· Serving as an appraisal system and stimulate discussions on what skills need to be
improved or incorporated and how.
· To provide a constructive base for enhancing performance and efficiency.
Minimum Research Methodology
The Consultant is expected to carry out an assessment that will be participatory and consultative for five partners namely; ASSAPIN, The PASTORAL RESOLVE, PARE, RAHAMA, and WEIN, all based in Bauchi. The methodology used will be up to the consultant to suggest but must include in- person discussions that should include Key Informant Interviews and a Focus Group Discussions as well as a review of existing policies and procedures, including staff training. The exercise is expected to last for 15 days with each partner organization having 3 days of interaction and engagement with the consultant.
He/she will also be responsible for designing and delivering the capacity needs assessment report and capacity building plans for each LINE partner organization.
Expected Deliverables
· An inception report including a work plan, detailed methodology, report format and timeline, to be submitted within 10 days from the commencement of the assignment.
· The inception report should be presented virtually to LINE staff as well as partners for their comments and feedback.
· A consolidated report, which includes a summary of the findings of the capacity needs assessment, as well as individual capacity building plans for each of the five (5) partners to be submitted within 10 working days after the completion of the assessment. The consolidated report should make recommendations on further training requirements on a collective (meaning common needs of all partners) as well as on an individual partner basis.
Activity Description
Inception Meeting with the Project Management
Team and Executive Directors of LINE partners
Inception report
Assessment of partners
Preparation of draft report
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